卡游出海战略迈出关键一步 :小马宝莉英文版、日文版卡牌将于日韩、东南亚等地发售 中国债券指数基金市场发展分析(附英文版)
卡游出海战略迈出关键一步 :小马宝莉英文版、日文版卡牌将于日韩、东南亚等地发售 中国债券指数基金市场发展分析(附英文版),
卡游出海战略迈出关键一步 :小马宝莉英文版、日文版卡牌将于日韩、东南亚等地发售
本文来源:时代周报 作者:张钇璟
摘 要
债券指数基金 债券ETF 中债指数 主题基金
债券指数基金包括利率债、信用债及其他类型指数基金,并以利率债指数基金为主体。截至2024年3月末,全市场187只债券指数基金中,有162只为利率债指数基金,规模占比接近90%(其中,政金债指数基金150只,国债指数基金8只,地方政府债指数基金4只);信用债指数基金20只,规模占比 为8%左右;其他类型主要包括综合类债券指数基金和可转债指数基金,分别有3只和2只,规模占比较低(见图1、图2)。
6.该产品70%的投资者为投资顾问。投资顾问公司主要提供投资建议和管理服务,类似国内的证券公司投资顾问部门、私人银行部门、专业第三方理财咨询公司。根据美国投资顾问协会(Investment Adviser Association)2023年报告,投资顾问行业管理规模达到114.1万亿美元,全美有15114家注册投资顾问公司,全行业90.6%的资产集中于管理规模在50亿美元以上的大公司。
[1] 陈子越,曹阳.中国债券指数基金发展回顾及前景展望[J].中国货币市场,2023(4).
[2] 厉海强.中外债券指数基金产品对比及启示[J]. 债券,2020(10).DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2020.10.017.
[3] 廖倩芸,盛晓虹,孙若阳.指数化投资:中国债券市场投资新视角[J]. 债券,2020(11).DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2020.11.016.
◇ 本文原载《债券》2024年7月刊
◇ 作者:中债金融估值中心有限公司指数部 葛量
◇ 编辑:廖雯雯
Analysis of China Bond Index Fund Market Development
Ge Liang
After development for more than a decade, the bond index funds have become an important and distinctive part of China’s fund market. This paper reviews the history of bond index funds, summarizes their prominent characteristics in the current stage, analyzes the index providers’ role in driving market development and gives suggestions on advancing the bond index fund market.
Bond index funds, bond ETF, ChinaBond indexes, thematic funds
History of Bond Index Funds
i. Beginning
Since the first bond index fund tracking a bond index1 emerged in 2011, the bond index funds have become an important and distinctive part of China’s fund market. The market was in its infancy before 2018 with a small size of index funds. According to Wind data2, there were 35 bond index funds in the market as at the end of 2017 with a total scale of RMB20.4 billion, averaging RMB580 million per product, in sharp contrast to a median of merely RMB59 million. Most of these index funds have been liquidated and terminated so far, but a number of classic products are still in existence. For example, the first composite index fund covering all bonds in the market, established in 2012 to track the ChinaBond New Composite Index, remains one of the few general bond index funds available in the market now. The first group of CDB bond index funds created in 2016 ushered in a boom of the policy bank bond index funds.
ii. Thriving
Bond index funds thrived in 2018, with 17 products created in the year alone. As at the end of 2018, bond index funds broke the mark of RMB100 billion, five times that in 2017. The year 2019 saw bond index funds make leapfrog moves and hit a size of RMB360 billion at the end of the year, with policy bank bond funds of various tenors established to shape a market landscape dominated by policy bank bonds. The size of bond index funds expanded steadily from 2020 to 2023, while policy bank bonds still dominated the market. Some fund managers tried making a foray into local government bonds, high-grade credit bonds and regional themed bond index funds. As at the end of March 2024, the total scale of bond index funds reached RMB651.7 billion3.
China’s bond index fund market has had a fairly large scale now after its rapid development in recent years, yet still in the early stage. Accounting for less than 10% of the bond fund market, bond index funds still see vast space of growth.
Characteristics of China’s Bond Index Funds at Present
i. Interest rate bond index funds and short terms are the majority
The bond index funds include interest rate bond index funds, credit bond index funds and others, among which the interest rate bond index funds take the lion’s share. As of the end of March 2024, 162 of the 187 bond index funds in the market are interest rate bond index funds (including 150 policy bank bond index funds, 8 treasury bond index funds, and 4 local government bond index funds), accounting for nearly 90% of the total. There were 20 credit index funds, accounting for about 8%. Others were 3 composite bond index funds and 2 convertible bond index funds, representing a fairly low proportion (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).
By terms, bond index funds are mainly short-term4 (less than 3 years). In particular, all credit bond index funds fall in the category of short terms. In terms of interest rate bonds, short-term policy bank bond index funds remain the focus of market participants. The short-term policy bank bond index funds tracking the bond indexes published by ChinaBond Pricing Center, China Foreign Exchange Trade System, Shanghai Clearing House and Bloomberg have reached quite a large scale, accounting for over 50% of the total. In the first half of 2024, more than 20 short-term policy bank bond index funds were established, which mainly track 0-year to 3-year indexes.
ii. Bond index funds are held mainly by institutional investors, with a growing share held by individual investors
The holders of bond index funds are mainly financial institutions. According to the 2023 annual reports disclosed by funds, over 85% of bond index funds were over 90% held by institutions, with the institutional holdings averaging 94% (see Figure 3).
Bond index funds, though held mainly by financial institutions, are gradually becoming a component of individual investors’ portfolio. Individual investors have to meet certain threshold to directly participate in the bond market, while bond index funds are transparent and decentralized. As online platforms and other distribution channels boost the visibility of fund products, the products with a longer track record see greater participation by individual investors. According to statistics, all the bond index funds with a size of over RMB500 million and more than 30% held by individual investors were established in 2019 or before. Individual investors mainly participate in medium-/long-term interest rate bond funds and composite bond index funds. The relatively stable return on bond index funds is the major appeal to individual investors.
iii. Innovative products are mushrooming
In recent years, fund managers and bond index providers have made many innovative attempts on bond index funds. In particular, they have made achievements in bond ETFs and thematic bond index funds.
1. Bond ETFs have been expanding in size
Bond ETFs as bond index funds traded on the secondary exchange market have seen their scale expanding on lower fee rates and convenient trading. Five policy bank bond ETFs were created in 2022, with the size increasing steadily and the terms covering 0-3 years, 1-5 years and 7-10 years. These products have further added to exchange-traded instruments, providing investors with a variety of interest rate bond funds. In terms of ultra-long-term bond ETFs, two ETFs tracking 30-year treasury bonds were launched in the past few years, showing clear risk-return characteristics of long duration, filling the market gap and drawing wide attention among investors. As of the end of May 2024, bond ETFs exceeded RMB100 billion in size, with the underlying bonds mainly being treasury bonds, policy bank bonds, credit bonds, local government bonds and convertible bonds.
2. Innovative thematic products have surged
Compared with the wide variety of thematic equity index funds, the thematic bond index funds are relatively limited, with the product category simply being a combination of bond type and bond term. However, a large number of innovative products recognized by market participants have emerged amid the index innovations by bond index providers and investors’ demand for thematic investment. These innovative products include green bond index funds, selected investment-grade credit bond index funds and green and inclusive financial bond index funds. With an exposure to thematic products, fund managers will give better play to the role of capital markets in guiding value and allocating resources, channeling capital into relevant sectors and better serve high-quality development.
ChinaBond Pricing Center Has Given a Boost to Bond Index-based Investment
As the major index provider in China’s bond index fund market, ChinaBond Pricing Center issued the first batch of RMB bond indexes in 2003. The center has been long dedicated to improving the ChinaBond index series, improving the quality of indexes and enhancing its index research and development capability. It has compiled a series of indexes with representativeness and investability that mirror the RMB bond market. With the domestic bond index fund market emerging and growing, ChinaBond indexes have become a RMB bond index brand featuring a long history, extensive application and numerous products, providing professional services for the market in every respect of bond index-based investment.
i. Continuing to expand the index families with a focus on Five Priorities
To meet the requirements of high-quality development, ChinaBond Pricing Center has expanded the channels of financial support for important sectors of the real economy, and aligned the compilation of indexes with the Five Priorities, that is, technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, providing investors with viable index investment solutions.
First, ongoing improvements have been made to the ChinaBond Green and Sustainability Index series, with green bond indexes compiled and published to meet the tracking needs of green bond index funds. The center compiled and issued the ChinaBond ESG Select Credit Bond Index and over ten ESG bond indexes in cooperation with market entities.
Second, the technological innovation bond index series was launched to reflect the return and yield performance of technological innovation-themed bonds, providing a reference and professional tool for investors to invest in technological innovation credit bonds.
Third, in terms of inclusive finance driving implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, ChinaBond Pricing Center has issued four rural revitalization indexes guiding capital flows into rural revitalization projects, thereby contributing to the agricultural and rural modernization.
Fourth, annuity fund bond indexes were launched jointly with market entities, representing groundbreaking explorations in pension index-based investment.
ChinaBond Pricing Center has identified technological, green, inclusive, pension and digital bonds as index constituents based on its basic bond data accumulation, and provided index services for cooperative thematic products customized for bond index funds and institutions, giving an impetus to high-quality development of financial services.
ii. Providing index investment derivative services such as indicative optimized portfolio value (IOPV) and performance attribution
To meet the market demand for index investment derivative services, ChinaBond Indexes have launched IOPV, bond performance attribution, index performance attribution and other data services to provide reference for investment decision making and performance evaluation relating to bond index funds and bond ETFs.
First, the IOPV calculation service for bond ETFs has been launched. As a measure of an ETF’s intraday value, IOPV plays an important role in improving the transparency and activity of ETF transactions. ChinaBond Pricing Center officially launched the IOPV calculation service of bond ETFs in April 2024. The first group of served ETFs are HuaAn ChinaBond 1-5 Year CDB Bond ETF (159649), Bosera ChinaBond 0-3 year CDB Bond ETF (159650) and Ping An ChinaBond 0-3 year CDB Bond ETF (159651) listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, covering for the first time the policy bank bonds ETFs and filling the gap in the related market.
Second, the performance attribution data service was launched. In order to meet investors’ needs to analyze the source of portfolio performance and measure the performance of portfolios, ChinaBond Pricing Center launched ChinaBond performance attribution products in 2021, including calculation tools for bond performance attribution, index performance attribution and portfolio performance attribution, allowing investors to calculate performance attribution based on their holdings and compare them with the index benchmark. The performance attribution framework is mainly based on the Campisi model, attributing bond returns to 11 factors in three categories: holding period return, return on risk-free interest rate (treasury yield curve) change, and return on bond risk (credit spread) change, providing more thorough and detailed analysis data for the yield breakdown and performance comparison of bond index-based investment.
iii. Developing the ChinaBond DQ financial terminal index investment and research module to provide index-based investment facilitation tools
At present, over 1,500 ChinaBond indexes have been released. In order to facilitate fund managers and investors in day-to-day access to and use of index data, the ChinaBond DQ financial terminal continues with development and optimization relating to the application scenarios of ChinaBond indexes.
First, a full range of basic index indicators and statistical analysis data are provided on the ChinaBond DQ to support the comparative analysis of multi-index historical return and risk data.
Second, an index screening function is provided under dozens of dimensions, including asset class, hot topics, terms of constituents and credit rating, helping users quickly locate the index information they need.
Third, the index calculator function is embedded to enable index backtesting under customized rules using the ChinaBond index homologous database online, providing support for strategy verification.
Fourth, the in-depth data on index derivative services are available for inquiry and downloading, such as performance attribution and IOPV data.
Suggestions on Promoting Development of the Bond Index Funds
First, more types of bond index funds should be introduced. At present, bond index funds are concentrated in the interest rate bond category, showing a lack of composite, credit and thematic categories. As seen in overseas markets, investors have a huge demand for instruments designed to invest in the bond market. For example, the size of the BlackRock iShare Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF has reached USD104.8 billion5, which can serve as a one-click allocation tool for investors to participate in the bond market and is widely used in the asset allocation strategies of investment advisors6. It is suggested to develop composite and credit bond index funds to provide investors with a wide range of convenient tools for bond allocations. In addition, with a growing variety of thematic funds including technological, green, and inclusive bonds issued, relevant bond indexes have also been released one after another. Seeing thematic products ready for further development, some financial institutions have begun their push for creation and investment of thematic bond index funds. It is suggested to strengthen efforts to develop thematic bond index funds and bond ETFs, channel funds into related sectors and fuel high-quality economic development with a focus on the Five Priorities.
Second, the investor base for bond index funds should be optimized. As main participants in the bond market, financial institutions have inherent advantages in bond index fund investment. A bond index fund investor base dominated by banking institutions has taken shape. Further growth of the bond index fund market cannot go without a more diverse investor base. Among financial institutions, the investment demand from medium- and long-term funds such as pensions, annuities and insurance funds will help balance the mix of product terms and ease the over-concentration in short-term products. Overseas investors have always had a keen interest in investing in China’s bond market in recent years, yet less through bond index funds. It is suggested that bond index funds be included in cross-border connectivity services such as mutual recognition of funds, cross-listing of ETFs and Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect, so as to boost overseas investments in domestic bond index funds. Bond index funds lower individual investors’ threshold to access the bond market. It is suggested to enhance individual investors’ understanding of the bond market and bond index funds through fund distribution platforms and other channels, gradually foster their willingness and ability to invest, and create bond index funds tailored to individual investors’ risk appetite.
This article was first published on Bond Monthly ( Jul. 2024).Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.
1.The performance benchmark of Changsheng All Bond Index Enhanced Bond Fund, established in 2003, is a combination of bond and equity indexes. As a bond index enhanced fund, it is not included in the bond index funds in this paper.
2.Unless otherwise specified, all data in this paper are from Wind.
3.All statistical analysis data on bond index funds in this paper exclude inter-bank certificate of deposit index funds.
4.In this paper, short terms mean an average index duration of less than 3 years, medium terms mean an average index duration of 3 to 5 years, long terms mean an average index duration of 5 to 10 years, and ultra-long terms refer to an average index duration of more than 10 years.
5.Source: BlackRock, as of March 31, 2024.
6.70% of the investors in this product are investment advisers. Investment advisory companies mainly provide investment advice and management services, similar to the investment advisory departments of securities companies, private banking departments, and professional third-party financial consulting firms in China. According to the 2023 report of the Investment Adviser Association of the United States, the investment adviser industry has reached USD114.1 trillion in assets under management (AUM), there are 15,114 registered investment advisory companies in the United States, and 90.6% of the assets in the industry are concentrated in large companies with more than USD5 billion in AUM.
[1] Chen Ziyue, Cao Yang. Review and Outlook on Bond Index Funds in China [J]. China Money, 2023(4).
[2] Li Haiqiang. Chinese and Foreign Bond Index Fund Products: Comparison and Aspirations [J]. China Bond, 2020(10).DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2020.10.017.
[3] Liao Qianyun, Sheng Xiaohong, Sun Ruoyang. Indexed Investment: A New Perspective on Investment in Chinese Bond Market [J]. China Bond, 2020(11).DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2020.11.016.
◇ Author from: Index Department, ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd.
◇ Editor: Liao Wenwen?