穿黑色衣服前请三思丨视频 秋天女生穿什么衣服好看图片欣赏
穿黑色衣服前请三思丨视频 秋天女生穿什么衣服好看图片欣赏,
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穿黑色衣服前请三思丨视频 秋天女生穿什么衣服好看图片欣赏,
穿黑色衣服前请三思丨视频 点击观看视频 Black is one thing you should never wear. 黑色是你永远不应该穿的一种颜色。 This will determine the way your energy functions and the psychological stability you have within you. 这将决定你能量运行的方式以及内在心理的稳定性。 Sadhguru: Adiyogi is known in many ways, but one dimension of him is, he is a vairagi or a bhairagi as it's called. Raag means color, vairag means to go beyond that which is color. Because color as we know it, color as our visual apparatus know it, is only a certain breakdown of the white light. Something looks red, not because it is red, because of the entire spectrum of colors which exist in the white light, it holds back everything and reflects only red, or in other words, what it rejects becomes its color. Sadhguru(萨古鲁):Adiyogi(第一位瑜伽士)有很多面向,但其中一个维度是,他被称作是vairagi或bhairagi。Raag意思是颜色,Vairag意思是超越颜色。因为我们的颜色,我们肉眼所知的颜色,只是白色光的一定程度的分解。看起来红色的东西,不是因为它是红的,而是因为对于存在于白光中的整个光谱,它吸收了所有的,而只反射红色。换句话说,它排斥的,成为了它的颜色。 That means the perception is completely wrong. You think something is red, it's everything except red (Laughs) and you think it's red because it's reflecting red light only, rest it's holding back. So, something is white because it's reflecting everything as it is. 这意味着视觉感知是完全错误的。你认为某种东西是红色的,它却是除了红色的所有颜色(笑),你认为它是红色的,因为它只反射红光,其他的它都吸收了。所以,某个东西是白色的,是因为它反射了一切。 So, if you move about in areas and spaces and situations where you have no control over what happens around you, always white was suggested. If you walked out, white. Because you don't know what's happening, you don't know what's happening in the world around you, you don't know what's happening in whose mind, what thoughts, what emotions people carry. So, white gives you a certain protection because it reflects everything, not just the light, the very energy. 所以,如果你去到一些区域、空间,或碰到一些情况,你对周围发生的事情完全无法掌控,我们总会建议你始终穿白色衣服。如果你走出去,穿白色,因为你不知道在发生着什么,你不知道你周围的世界在发生着什么,你不知道谁的脑袋里在想什么,人们的想法、情感是什么。所以,白色给你一定的保护,因为它反射一切,不只是光,也包括能量。 Black absorbs everything. If you're in a space where you want to absorb what is around you, you must wear black. But if you wear black in a place where you don't want to absorb, but you wear because you look slimmer, (Laughter) then you will start accumulating all kinds of things. 黑色则吸收一切。如果你处在一个空间,在那里你想要吸收周围的东西,你必须穿黑色。但如果你在一个你不想要去吸收的地方穿黑色,因为那样显得你苗条,(笑声)那么你就会开始积累各种各样的东西。 I would... It's a very unpopular thing to say. I would ascribe at least 20-25% of psychological struggles that people go through, to remaining in black clothes for long periods of time, in all kinds of situations where they should not be. And I see... (Laughs) Because black is always bad, whether… (Laughs) Let me not get into this. (Laughs) 我……这么说会非常不受欢迎。我把人们经受的至少20%到25%的心理折磨归因于,在各种不应穿黑色衣服的情况下长时间穿着黑色衣服。而且我发现……(笑)因为黑色总是不好的,无论……(笑)我还是不要说了。(笑) But somehow black is considered negative, black is considered not so divine, black is considered devilish. The devil comes, he will definitely come in black clothes. Based on this, people are wearing black for mourning. When somebody is dead, black is one thing you should never wear. If there is death around you, you must always wear white because you don't want to absorb that kind of energy. But I see everybody is wearing black when there is death. Complete misunderstanding of life, no awareness at all. 但某种程度上,黑色被认为是消极的,黑色被认为不那么神圣,黑色被认为是邪恶的。恶魔来时,他一定会穿黑色。因此,人们穿黑色服丧。当有人死去时,黑色是你永远不应该穿的一种颜色。如果你身边有死亡,你必须总是穿白色。因为你不想要吸收那种能量。但我看到,当死亡发生时,每个人都穿黑色。对生命完全的误解,一点觉知都没有。 You've just arrived at things intellectually, that you think black means, signifies death. Yes, it does, I am not saying no. But you want to become that or you want to stay away from that? Those who are dead are dead. We respect that but those who are alive should stay alive, they should not become half dead imbibing that kind of stuff. So if there's anything that you don't want to absorb, you must wear white. All the other colors are in-between play but it is between black and white – white means complete reflection, black means no reflection, in between is selective reflection. That's for fun. 你只是想当然地以为,你认为黑色意味着,表示死亡。是的,它是,我没说不是。但你想要成为它,还是想要远离它?死了的人已经死了,我们尊重这一点,但那些活着的人应该活着,他们不应该吸收那种东西而变得半死不活。所以,如果存在任何你不想要吸收的东西,你必须穿白色。所有其他颜色都游戏其间,但总是在黑与白之间——白色意味着完全的反射,黑色意味着没有反射,其间是选择性的反射。这是为了有趣。 But where we want to really absorb something, we wear black. Where we want to reflect, then you wear white. So, just the reverse is being done for a long time. You don't go with this on the street, you don't go with this to the office. I am saying black clothes, not just the black, this particular cloth. You don't go walk in the subway… I mean a railway station, not food, okay? (Laughter) It's all getting mixed up. (Laughs) 但在我们真的想要吸收什么的地方,我们穿黑色。在想要反射的地方,我们穿白色。所以,人们一直做着相反的事。你不要在街上这么穿,你不要这么去办公室,我说的是黑色的衣服,不只是黑色,这块布料。你不要这么在subway里行走……我说的是地铁站,不是餐饮 (注:指赛百味(Subway)快餐),好吗?(笑声)全乱了。(笑声) You do not go to places where you don't want that atmosphere to enter you in black clothing, because this will determine the way your energy functions, this will determine the psychological stability that you have within you and variety of other aspects. Color has its tricks, okay? (Laughs) 你不要穿黑色去你不想要那种氛围进入你的地方,因为这将决定你能量运行的方式,这将决定你内在心理的稳定性以及各种各样其他的方面。颜色有它的窍门,好吗?(笑) Isha视频链接: v.qq.com/vplus/59bf0e8c6b29f82dbb70c7e955ac4366 精选导读 颜色的灵性意义及其在生命中扮演的角色 公众号文章由志愿者翻译,欢迎转载 如需转载,请后台回复“转载”获取授权指引 新浪微博:Isha瑜伽官V 中文官网:www.ishayoga.net 电子邮箱:china@ishafoundation.org 长按二维码关注 点击「在看」,传递瑜伽 早秋时节,女生喜欢那种简单舒适,但是又个性气质的穿衣搭配,带一点慵懒风没有约束的感觉。那么早秋女生穿什么衣服好看呢?接下来就来学习一组时尚达人的早秋气质穿搭示范吧。 look1 咸菜绿西装+内搭白色短背心+黑色短裙+条纹长袜+小白鞋 秋天穿搭:这件咸菜绿的西装外套上身太显白了,衣服是宽松的韩版版型,上身自带气质氛围感,内搭了白色的短款吊带背心打底,下半身穿了黑色的短裙+和上衣色系呼应的条纹长袜+小白鞋。 look2 黑色短西装+内搭白色短背心吊带+黑色牛仔裤+小白鞋 秋天穿搭:秋天谁还没短西装!短西装最百搭当然还是黑色,这件上身很显身材比例的黑色短西装,下半身搭配了一条同色系的牛仔高腰裤+小白鞋,里面搭配白色短吊带极其显瘦,而且还很很高冷。 look3 黑色卫衣+黑短裤+黑色袜靴 秋天穿搭:一件黑色的宝藏卫衣,卫衣背后的印花很好看,前面也有个小十字架,是可以前后呼应的设计,版型略宽松,上身就是韩妹既视感,下半身搭了黑色白边的短裤+黑色长袜靴,一套下来特别与众不同有气质。 look4 奶黄色连帽卫衣+格纹百褶短裙+菱格小腿袜+运动板鞋 秋天穿搭:上半身这件卫衣色系特别的亮眼,是初秋穿搭理想单品,宽松的连帽版型,上身酷酷的很时尚,下半身搭配经典的小格纹百褶短裙,短裙融了青春+复古气息,脚上穿了菱格小腿袜+经典的运动板鞋。 look5 黑色卫衣+内搭咖色衬衫+咖色短裙+运动鞋 秋天穿搭:这身look甜酷风直接拿捏住,穿最酷的卫衣背最可爱的包,反差真滴很萌。上衣这个黑色卫衣+蓝色字母的印花时髦又复古,内搭了的衬衫和下半身的短裙选择了同色系,并且袜子和鞋子的颜色也做了统一,整套搭配青春靓丽,很适合初秋季节。 look6 榛果咖西装外套+内搭白领高领打底+豹纹小吊带+棕色短裙+黑色小腿袜+黑色玛丽珍 秋天穿搭:一套韩系复古的时尚搭配,西装外套是高级气质的榛果咖色,内搭白色的堆领打底衫,叠穿豹纹小马甲提升辣度,下半身是棕色的高腰短裙,裙子版型很显腿长,还穿了很火的小腿袜和黑色的玛丽珍 look7 粉白配色卫衣+红色格纹短裙+红色帆布鞋 秋天穿搭:韩里韩气的一身元气搭配,粉白配色的宽松卫衣把甜度拉满,这件很适合穿去和男朋友约会,上身舒适单穿不扎,下半身搭配红色的格纹短裙,这个卫衣和短裙上身意外的搭配呀,脚上的红色范斯帆布鞋和裙子相呼应。 发布于:北京